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Refund & Cancellation

Refund & Cancellation

Bharat2Export is fully capable of providing its service to you, but we would first like to make it clear to you that once you have started service with Bharat2Export, you have no right to cancel the subscription, because once your money Has been received. Your subscription is activated immediately and starts working. Activation of your company's subscription is done by Bharat2Export through call or mail, so you cannot cancel your service after that. If you still want your paid money back then it will be refunded after deducting 18% Goods & Services Tax and 35% Service & Activation Charges of your paid amount. If Bharat2Export refuses to provide service to you, the cancellation policy applies to your service. If this is not the case then you are not entitled and cancellation will take effect within 24 hours of your money reaching Bharat2Export. Your money can be refunded only within 24 hours because after 24 hours. your work has started.

  • All Payment Modes (Bharat2Export) & BALLUS WEB SKABEREN PVT. LTD. will be accepted.
  • We at Bharat2Export maintain good relations with our customers and start all the work only with the consent of our customers so that there is no problem in doing any work later and there is no issue of refund policy due to active membership. Once the service has started you have no right to cancel it.
  • Bharat2Export starts the service of your company only after receiving the confirmation through activation mail from your email, so that later if you suffer any loss from any other company, then we are not responsible for it. Because we have taken the responsibility of our service by confirming it with you on mail.
  • Bharat2Export also has the obligation to if the customer or user declares that I have not received the services from the company and Bharat2Export provide all the evidence Like ( Business leads in member folder or Text message and also in customer mail id / or SEO promotion work) that they are regularly dealing with the customer or user with proper emailing and till then no Refunds will not be processed unless the customer does so. Do not show proof of non-delivery of services.
  • All payments should be made only through Bharat2Export and Ballus web skaberen pvt. Ltd., only then we are responsible for your payments. If you make payment for your service at the request of any person into his personal account or any other organization, Bharat2Export & Ballus Web Skaberen Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for it because you are making payment into that person's account with your approval.
  • Any employee left from Bharat2Export and try to make you negative for any of the services for which you have paid and if your membership tenure completed 30 days then we are not responsible for any refund.
  • If you have paid for the subscription and after 15 days you say I do not want to continue the service because my company is closed then Bharat2Export is ready to start the work of your other company with that payment but Bharat2Export will not refund any money, The above amounts.
  • Bharat2Export gives you 1 month time that if you do not have a single lead in 1 month, you can make an offer to bind your subscription once. If you get even 1 lead from bharat2Export you are not entitled to stop your service and business lead subject to availability.
  • If the company is refunding your money, it may take up to 7 business days for Bharat2Export to refund your money. If your payment comes through the payment gateway of Bharat2Export, then it takes time for the payment to arrive from there. And if your money comes directly to the company's current account, it will be returned to you within 5 working days, subject to the cancellation policy.
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