Apple has breached the Rs 1 lakh crore mark for iPhone exports from India in 2024, with its outward shipments touching a record $12.8 billion (Rs 1.08 lakh crore), up 42% on-year, according to preliminary industry estimates. This comes on the back of increased local value addition — which has reached 15-20%, depending on the model — and domestic production surging nearly 46% from a year ago to $17.5 billion (Rs 1.48 lakh crore), as per preliminary estimates for January-December that will be provided to the government. ET has exclusively reviewed the estimates. The Cupertino-based company clocked exports worth $9 billion exports in 2023, accounting for three-fourths of domestic manufacturing worth $12 billion. Apple’s achievement remains unparalleled in a year for any single product export from India,” a government official told ET, while highlighting the success of the smartphone production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme. Production and export numbers take into account the freight on board (FOB) value, at which the device leaves the factory. Retail prices are about 60% higher. The government, however, pays incentives under the PLI scheme on the FOB value. On Track for $30b Local Production Apple has achieved local value addition of up to a fifth for various models as the company continues to expand its supplier base in the country, according to industry executives. They added that at the start of the PLI scheme, the local value addition for the US giant was 5-8%. If the momentum is sustained, Apple is on track to achieve $30 billion annual production in the next few years, lifting India’s share in the iPhone production ecosystem to more than 26%, from 14% now, the executives added. Apple has also ramped up retail sales efforts in the world’s second largest smartphone market that’s on a premiumisation path. India is currently the fifth-largest market for Apple — Japan is third and the UK is at four. Volumes of iPhones sold locally are expected to surge by up to a fifth this year, to as many as 15 million units, as the iPhone maker pivots toward other emerging economies to offset the impact of a dip in China market share due to Huawei’s revival. Preliminary data show that of the $12.8 billion exports, Apple contract makers Foxconn (Hon Hai) accounted for 54%, followed by Tata Electronics (29%), and Pegatron (17%), which was recently acquired by Tata. All beneficiaries of the PLI scheme are required to submit production, export and jobs data to the government. Since the launch of the scheme in 2021, Apple’s ecosystem has exceeded all PLI projections on production, exports and job creation every year. It’s become India’s largest and fastest-growing, blue collar job creator in the private sector, with nearly 185,000 new direct jobs — over 70% of them being women — with the majority being first-time job seekers. The iPhone factory in Tamil Naidu run by Foxconn is also India’s largest in employee terms across any sector. At peak employment, it has over 30,000 women workers, out of a total 42,000. The iPhone maker has turned its focus on value addition in India. It’s getting on board Indian and mostly non-Chinese suppliers for local operations. Apple is beginning to produce components and sub-assemblies in India as well. Several of its vendors are expected to participate in the soon-to-be-announced electronics components incentive scheme, said government and industry officials. Local value addition—the current PLI scheme’s focus—has lagged, as final assembly of electronics has scaled up at a rapid pace under the existing PLI scheme. Production of components such as printed circuit boards (PCBs), camera modules, display sub-assemblies, lithium-ion cells, speakers, vibrator motors and mechanics are expected to be included in the components scheme. Together, these components make up about 50% of the bill-of-materials in a mobile phone or a laptop.