Our Product

Sulfam Gold Sulphur 90% WDG Fertilizer Plant Growth Regulators

Humex Humic Acid 95% WS Plant Growth Regulators

Bonuss Advance Plant Growth Regulators Promoter

Pendolin Pendimethalin 30 % EC Herbicide

Omega Oxyfluorfen 23.5% EC Herbicide

Ground Glyphosate 41% Sl Herbicide

Donn Carbendazim 12% and Mancozeb 63% WP Fungicide

Capiron Tebuconazole 10% and Sulphur 65% WG Fungicide

Azoan Azoxystrobin 4.8% and Chlorothalonil 40% SC Fungicide

Aktada Thiamethoxam 25% WG Insecticide

Ajori Imidacloprid 48% FS Insecticide

Acetaff Acephate 75% SP Insecticide