Sri Saravana Korai Mat Industries, located in Salem, Tamil Nadu, commenced its operations in 2021 with a focus on manufacturing and trading a diverse range of eco-friendly products made from korai grass and jute. Our commitment lies in promoting sustainable living practices while offering aesthetically pleasing and functional solutions to our customers. Specializing in korai grass products, we offer a variety of items including Foldable Korai Grass Mats, Korai Grass Gift Boxes, Korai Grass Round Boxes, Korai Grass Handbags, and Korai Grass Baby Mats. Each product is meticulously crafted to showcase the natural beauty and versatility of korai grass, providing our customers with unique and environmentally conscious alternatives. In addition to our korai grass collection, we also feature Round Jute Boxes, adding a touch of natural charm to storage solutions. These jute boxes are not only practical but also contribute to reducing environmental impact, as jute is a renewable and biodegradable material.