Dilip Parmanand Makhijani is a prominent retailer based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, specializing in a range of products with a focus on delivering excellent customer service. Operating from our office at 92, Kabutar Naka, Chokha Bazar, Kalupur, Ahmedabad, we cater to various customer needs through our retail offerings. As a sole proprietorship firm, we are dedicated to providing quality products and personalized service to our clients. With a dedicated team of up to 10 employees, we ensure a seamless shopping experience, offering competitive prices and timely delivery. Since registering for GST on 01-07-2017, we have grown steadily, achieving an annual turnover between 0 to 40 lakh. Under the leadership of CEO Dilip Parmanand Makhijani, our company remains focused on building strong relationships with customers and suppliers, continuously enhancing our offerings to meet evolving market demands. Our commitment to excellence continues to drive our success in the competitive retail market.