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About us

Straddle Glass Works (Earlier Business name 'Quartz Technologies') has its routs in the business founded by our inspiration "Mr. Sudhakarrao Shankarrao Chavan", he was a skilled glass blower & was working in University as Scientific Glass Blower. Due to high demand and scarcity of glass blowing services in our country, he had started business of Borolisicate glass fabrication and Labware in 1980, later on his Son and Founder of this company "Mr.Sarang Chavan" have developed skills and expertise in Quartz Glass Fabrication. Development Gradually developed skills and expertise as well as acquired best in class equipment's and machines to achieve world class quality Quartz products, now serving Semiconductor, Fiber Optic, Chemical, Aerospace, Water-purification & Solar Industries successfully for several years.

Our Product

Quartz Glass Aroma Burner

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