About Us

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About us

Padsons Industries Pvt. Ltd. group of Company. The seed was sown way back in 1954 when Padgilwar Group started manufacturing manual and semi-automatic farm machinery. High quality seeds are a perquisite for bumper crops and richer harvests. The need for processing seeds - separating the good from the bad, the strong from the weak, the large from the small has been the driving force behind the development of PADSONS World- Class seed processing plants. The fiery enthusiasm to venture into unexplored areas, the capability to overcome hurdles and transform the odds into opportunities, the overwhelming desire to excel in every endeavor -- these are the indefinable qualities that are manifested in every machine manufactured by PADSONS. The Three plants of Padgilwar group at Akola are equipped with some of the world's best machines and excellent testing facilities enabling them to manufacture range of machines that stand out as import substitutes at par with world's renowned machines. At PADSONS, the selling of a machine is not the end, but the beginning of an enduring relation. It is the prompt and efficient after-sales-service that has contributed to the reputation of Padgilwar as much as the quality and performance of their machinery. And this tradition for excellent service continues to be the forte at PADSONS.