About Us

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About us

Impact Fertilisers was founded in 1994 and over the past two decades has grown into a leading supplier of fertilisers in Eastern Australia, including Tasmania. The company has nine distribution centres on the mainland and seven depots in Tasmania. In addition, Impact Fertilisers’ manufacturing facility in Tasmania produces high quality SSP that delivers critical nutrient inputs to the Australian farming industry. With significant assets and experienced personnel involved in the manufacture, distribution and marketing of fertiliser products, Impact Fertilisers has forged a solid and durable position in the Australian market. In 2010 Ameropa became the 100 percent owner of the Impact Fertiliser Group. Ameropa is a Swiss, privately owned international grain and fertiliser trader that employs 4,875 people worldwide and annually sells ten million tons of fertilisers, ten million tons of grains and sizeable volumes of petrochemicals.