Grameen Khad Agency, situated in the picturesque city of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, emerged as a promising player in the agricultural industry when it was founded in 2017 by Mr. Dharmendra Singh. Since its inception, our company has been dedicated to enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability by supplying a comprehensive range of agricultural products. Our diverse product catalogue includes Agro Herbicides, Agro Weedicides, Agro Fungicides, Agro Insecticides, Agro Fertilizers, Plant Growth Regulators, Organic Manure, and more. We understand the critical role that agriculture plays in our society and the need for effective solutions to address various challenges faced by farmers. Grameen Khad Agency prides itself on delivering top-quality agricultural inputs that are designed to optimize crop yields, improve soil health, and protect crops from pests and diseases. Our commitment to sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices is reflected in our range of organic and eco-friendly products.