About Us

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About us

Manomay & Company is a sister concern of A. Mansukhlal & Company and one of the leading timber merchant since 1998, and now is one of the leading Manufacturer and Exporter of all types of Hammer and Wooden Handles for tools. Our products include copper hammer, brass hammer, machinist hammer, wooden mallet, hammer handles, sledge handles, axe handles, hatchet handles, tomahawk handles, belt axe handles, Chaser handle, etc. Our Handles are made from American hickory wood, Ash wood ,Beech wood, Babool wood etc. with various type of polish. Besides setting milestones in the Indian market, the company has its client base in the competitive international markets too. Our aim is to extend our business not only to country level but also around the world with the best quality products. We thereby welcome new business proposals, tie ups or bulk orders from all over the world.